Brad Jones - Director
Brad Jones (Associate Specialist) established the CNSF in 1992. Dr. Jones is a native of Montana who received both a B.S. (with Honors) and a Ph.D. (Neuroscience) from Stanford University. His computer experience began in the late 1970s with course work at Stanford and practical experience designing data acquisition software for some of the earliest laboratory computers. He came to Hawaii as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology in 1988. His background in biosciences research and computer applications related to research has been essential in ensuring that the services offered by the CNSF are relevant to the clients served. |
Stanford Togashi - Computer/Network Specialist
Stanford Togashi (IT Specialist, Band B) has been with the CNSF since 2002. Mr. Togashi was born and raised in Hilo. He earned a BBA in Management Information Systems from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa in 2000 and served as the ASUH President (1998-1999). Before joining the CNSF he worked at Shriner's Hospital. Stanford was originally hired as desktop computer support specialist but his duties and skills have grown over the years and he now supervises two half-time positions for desktop support and scientific presentation services. |
Scott Niimoto - Computer Support Specialist
Scott Niimoto (IT Specialist, Band A) joined the CNSF as a half-time employee in 2008 to assist primarily with desktop and laptop support. Scott is a Honolulu native who attended Punahou School. He earned a BA in Sociology from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Before joining the CNSF staff, Scott worked for the Star Office at UH Manoa. Scott was moved to a full-time position in February 2010 and he now handles both desktop support and scientific presentation services. |
Hinano Akaka - Electronics Technician
Hinano Akaka manages the PBRC Electronics Shop. Hinano was
born and raised on Oahu and attended Kailua High School. His
previous employers include Lockheed Aircraft Service Company in
California (where he worked on missle defense systems), the
Hawaiian Telephone Company and the UH Department of Astronomy.
Hinano joined the Bekesy Laboratory (then
known as the Sensory Sciences Laboratory) in 1970 to fabricate
and repair electronic devices for Georg Von
Bekesy. For the past 40 years Hinano has supported
researchers in sensory and neurophysiological research --
fields that are heavily dependent on electronic devices for
stimulation, experimental control and data collection. The CNSF relies on Hinano regularly to repair power supplies, computers, battery backup units, laser printers and variety of other equipment. |