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Fig. 31: modified basal bodies of stalk are linked to mid pieces of spasmoneme

Modified basal bodies (bb), composed of a circle of 9 single microtubules (inset), occur along the length of the stalk and these basal bodies lie against the alveolar (al)-bearing side of the stalk. Fibers pass into these basal bodies from linkage complexes of mid pieces in the spasmoneme. m, mitochondrion; pm, plasma membrane; al, alveolus. EM taken on 2/23/72 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 23,500X. Bar = 0.2µm. Inset taken on 2/14/72 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 19,500X. Bar = 0.2µm. Published in J. Cell Biol. 56:559-579, 1973.
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