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Fig. 22: drawing of linkage complex that binds ER to myonemes

The linkage complex is composed of two subcomplexes, (1) a spindle shaped midpiece (mp) that rests in a groove of the ER (er) on 5 slats that pass through the ER membrane and have long filaments (f) that splay from the spindle tips to reach through the epiplasm to the inner alveolar membrane and (2) a number of rails (R) that parallel the midpiece on its two sides. The rails also have components that pass through the ER membrane. Though characterized structurally in 1973 their function is still a matter of untested speculation. The most reasonable guess is that they are sites of calcium flux from the ER to the myoneme (M) and/or from the alveoli which are known to store calcium. They are probably also involved in pumping calcium out of the myoneme for storage in the ER. Removal of calcium to less that 10-7M results in relaxation, e.g., the extension of the spasmoneme or myonemal bands, so that the zooid is extended away from the substrate and the oral region is again opened out for feeding. ri, ribosomes. Drawn by R. Allen. Published in J. Cell Biol. 56:559-579, 1973 and J. Protozool. 20:25-36, 1973.
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