Cytopharynx with numerous folded membrane ribs subtended by five or
so microtubules (mt). These microtubules have arms that bind to
other microtubules and to the membrane of the cytopharynx and to
surrounding vesicles (arrowheads) of various sizes. The
vesicles are uncoated and free of ribosomes. The vesicles are probably
equivalent to the discoidal vesicles and/or to the 100 nm vesicles;
the latter arise from the endosomal pathway of Paramecium.
Evidence for vesicle fusion to the cytopharynx membrane, between the
ribs, can be seen (arrows). Bacteria (bact) and tips of
cilia (c) are present in the lumen of the cytopharynx. EM taken
on 4/6/72 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Mag. 19,500X. Bar =