The Golgi complex in ciliates is dissociated into numerous
dictyosomes (dic) that arise from ER (er). A dictyosome
consists of a short stack of flattened cisternae composed of fused
transition vesicles that bud from the ER. Other vesicles bud from
these cisternae. All these vesicles are initially coated. In
Vorticella a cup-shaped vesicle coated mainly on its outside
convex surface (arrow) forms even from the “forming face”
cisterna of this stack. This cupula is probably a primary lysosome as
such cupulas accumulate around food vacuoles before bacterial
digestion within the vacuole is evident (see upper fv in Fig.
1b and right fv in Fig. 1d and 1e). EM taken on 7/7/71 by R.
Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 19,500X. Bar = 0.5µm. Published in
part in Poste and Nicholson (eds.), Membrane Fusion, Elsevier/North
Holland Biomed. Press, p. 742, 1978.