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Fig. 5: freeze fracture of Ppm, Eoam, Eiam and connections between alveolar membranes

This freeze fracture view of the pellicle of V. microstoma near the aboral end of the zooid shows the region where the width of each circumferential alveolus is narrower and thus the strings of fractured pits are closer together. In this case the E-fracture face of the outer alveolar membrane (Eoam) is shown which has fewer IMPs than the P-face of the outer alveolar membrane as seen in the previous figure. Here the connections are indentations rather than fractured necks. In a few areas the P-fracture face of the plasma membrane (Ppm) is viewed where it was pinched into the folds between rings that surround the cell. The plasma membrane, like a similar view in figure 23, demonstrates the large number of prominent IMPs on this face of the plasma membrane. large arrow, direction of shadowing of freeze fracture replica. EM taken on 11/11/75 by R. Allen with JEM 100B TEM. Neg. 21,578X. Bar = 0.20µm.
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