Freeze fracture of the plasma membrane (pm) and outer alveolar
membrane (oam) of the pellicle of V. microstoma. The
surface of Vorticella is encircled by rings which follow the
septa of underlying alveoli. In this fracture one can see the
fractured necks of the continuities between the outer and inner
alveolar membranes (latter not visible). The outer alveolar membrane
has many prominent IMPs on its P-fracture face
(Poam). Septal pores (sp) extend between the
continuities, thus the alveoli are all interconnected. The E-fracture
face of the plasma membrane (Epm) has only a
moderate number of prominent IMPs compared to its P face (also see
figure 23). arrowheads, pellicular pores; large arrow,
direction of shadowing of freeze fracture replica. EM taken on
11/11/75 by R. Allen with JEM 100B TEM. Neg. 14,579X. Bar = 0.25µm.