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Fig. 0b: light micrographs of Vorticella microstoma

Light micrographs of Vorticella microstoma (ATCC, strain # 30897). a) a single extended zooid atop an uncoiled stalk. The perioral cilia form rings of beating cilia at the top of the bell-shaped zooid. b) two zooids bound to two stalks attached to the substrate at nearly the same point. The perioral cilia are not evident. The spasmoneme appears as a helical shaft passing through the stalk’s length. c) the same two zooids as in b but after contraction of the stalks and the myonemes in the zooids. The cell in figure 1 was fixed in this contracted state. d to f are three different orientations of two zooids in the final stage of division attached to the same stalk. The perioral chambers are open and the cilia are actively beating in both zooids bringing a current containing bacteria against the opening into the peristome where the bacteria are passed into the cytopharynx and nascent food vacuole. Micrographs taken by R. Allen on11/6/75.
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