Extension of buccal cavity (bc) and cytopharynx (cp)
passing into the cell. Vesicles accumulate at the cytopharynx next to
the lamellae. These vesicles may be homologs of discoidal vesicles
(disc) and acidosomes (ac) as described in
Paramecium. A large nascent food vacuole (nfv) lies next
to the cytopharynx. Basal bodies (bb) without cilia lie next to
the pellicle and are associated with nemodesmata that pass into the
cell as bundles of microtubules (arrows). ps, parasomal
sac. EM taken on 3/18/71 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg
13,750X. Bar = 0.5µm.