The buccal cavity has oral ciliature on its left side and a paroral
kinety (pak) consisting of only one row of basal bodies and
cilia on its right side. A cytopharynx (cp) with microtubular
lamellae arises to the right of the paroral kinety where it will
continue deep into the cell (see Fig. lf and Fig. lh) as a
cytopharyngeal tube accompanied by the microtubular lamellae
(l). A thick layer of microtubules (mt) covers one side
of the buccal cavity. al, alveolus; per, peroxisome;
m, mitochondria (expanded and condensed). e, endosomes.
EM taken on 3/12/71 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 9,250X.
Bar = 0.5µm.