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Fig. 1: low magnification of Didinium cytoplasm

A dividing Didinium nasutum (obtained from Carolina Biological Supply Company, NC, U.S.A.). This large ciliate is capable of engulfing Paramecium. It has a thick ectoplasm (ep) containing numerous mucocysts embedded in its extensive epiplasm. Its external surface is coated with a layer of bacteria (bact) in this dividing cell. The cytoplasm is relatively compact under the conditions of fixation used. Electron opaque vacuoles are scattered in the cytoplasm. mac, macronucleus. (For a more detailed report see Wessenberg and Antipa, Protistologica 4:427-447, 1968). EM taken on 5/9/69 by M. Sage with Philips 300 TEM. Neg. 3,120X. Bar = 2µm.
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