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Fig. 22: cilia and ciliary tips sectioned longitudinally

The ciliary membrane has a closely adhering external coat as well as a sparse coat of long fibers that protrude from its exterior surface. These are probably polysaccharide in composition. As with other cilia at its distal end the axoneme collapses first from a 9 doublet and 2 singlet structure to 9 singlets surrounding the 2 central singlets and finally, next to its tip, all 9 singlets end and the 2 central singlets extend to the end where they form a terminal cap. All dynein arms (arrow) and spokes (arrowheads) end at the level that doublets change into singlets. Densities of the spokes near the central singlets appear as triplets separated by a space (bracket). EM taken on 5/28/69 by R. Allen with Philips 300 TEM. Neg. 14,800X. Bar = 0.2µm. Published in Poste and Nicolson (eds.), Membrane Fusion, Elsevier/North Holland Biomed. Press, p.731, 1978.
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