Detail of the origin of the cytopharyngeal microtubules along the
left side of the cytopharynx that arise within the filamentous
reticulum in contact with its electron-opaque nodes (arrows).
This system does not arise from the basal bodies of the quadrulus
although microtubules do arise along the dorsal edge of the basal
bodies of this membranelle and curve between the ends of the
cytopharyngeal ribbons and the alveoli of the buccal cavity
(qar). The end of the alveoli marks the transition of the
buccal cavity into the cytopharynx. As shown on the left of this
figure the cytopharyngeal microtubules curve over the cytostomal cord
(cc). From here the ribbons fan out into the cytosol. They bind
to discoidal vesicles (disc), acidosomes and carrier vesicles
and move these vesicles toward the cytopharynx. EM taken on 3/30/73 by
R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 37,500X. Bar = 0.1µm.