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Fig. 27: Pca - membranelles and cytopharynx of the oral region

The three ciliary membranelles in the buccal cavity from which this class of ciliates gets its name, Oligohymenophorea, are each composed of four rows of basal body/cilium complexes. The quadrulus has four rows of cilia less tightly packed and interspersed with parasomal sacs (ps). The dorsal and ventral peniculi are more tightly packed. In this micrograph only 6 or 7 rows of peniculi are present at this level since the rows of the peniculi do not go all the way to the posterior end but rows end in a staggered way somewhere along the length of the buccal cavity. The quadrulus borders the cytopharynx over its full length and goes to the posterior end of the buccal cavity. cp mt, cytopharyngeal microtubules; disc, discoidal vesicles. EM taken on 3/30/73 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 10,750X. Bar = 0.5µm.
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