The highest concentration of parasomal sacs is found in the oral
region associated with the three ciliary membranelles, called in
Paramecium, the ventral amd dorsal peniculi and the quadrulus.
This micrograph shows the four rows each of the two peniculi, dorsal
and ventral, and a large accumulation of coated vesicles (cov)
and early endosomal cisternae (ee) immediately below the basal
bodies. Two rows of parasomal sacs (ps) border the closely
packed peniculi (not shown) and a third row separates the two
peniculi. Four rows of parasomal sacs interdigitate with the 4 rows of
more loosely associated cilia in the quadrulus (see Fig. 27). EM taken
on 1/25/74 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 19,500X. Bar =