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Fig. 38: QF-DE of fracture faces of collecting canal

Quick-freeze deep-etch view of a collecting canal lying next to a contractile vacuole. The E-face (Ecc) of the collecting canal is extremely porous indicating that large numbers of IMPs were removed from this leaflet during fracturing. The two larger pores (arrowheads) are fractured necks where the smooth spongiome empties into the canal. The lumen (lucv) of the contractile vacuole contains unetchable material forming a unique pattern that resembles rows of colloidal particles. The lumen of the collecting canal (lucc) has similar material. The P-face (Pcc) of the collecting canal is studded with a large number of IMPs. EM taken on 5/26/92 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 19,800X. Bar = 0.2µm. Part published in Int. Rev. Cytol. 198:277-318, 2000.
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