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Fig. 37: negatively stained and immunogold labeled V-ATPase

This micrograph shows the pegs on the surface of the decorated tubules (arrow) that are negatively stained by the uranyl acetate dissolved in the methylcellulose solution used to give support to the frozen then thawed section. This section was labeled by a polyclonal antibody to the V-ATPase of Dictyostelium which cross-reacts with the V-ATPase in Paramecium (see Fok et al., J. Cell Sci. 108:3163-3170, 1995). EM taken on 2/28/92 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 31,500X. Bar = 0.2µm. Small part published in J. Cell Sci. 108:3163-3170, 1995.
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