To establish that the decorated spongiome contains V-ATPase
holoenzymes we double labeled Paramecium multimicronucleatum
first with affinity purified polyclonal antibody known to be specific
for the proton pump (V-ATPase) of Dictyostelium discoideum and
second with our mAb to A4 antigen and then to secondary antibodies
tagged with FITC and Texas red respectively. Pictures were taken using
filters (A) first to show the FITC and then (B) to show
the Texas red. (C) Double exposures of FITC and Texas red shows
a complete overlap of these two antibodies confirming the
co-localization of these two antigens on the decorated spongiome and
that A4 antigen is part of the V-ATPase holoenzyme like the 57kD
antigen of D. discoideum. Fluorescent micrographs taken on
7/10/91 by M. Aihara with Zeiss Universal light microscope. Published
in J. Cell Sci. 108:3163-3170, 1995.