Quick-freeze deep-etch rotary-shadowed replica of an early endosome
with two clathrin-coated evaginations (arrowheads). Presumably
these coated pits contain receptors for cargo that will be pinched off
from the early endosomes and passed on through carrier vesicles to the
late endosomal compartments (see Digestive Vacuole Chapter for late
endosomes and their fate). Early endosomes lie at the level of the
intraciliary lattice (il) and proximal ends of basal bodies
(bb), but internal to the striated bands (sb).
Piam, P-face of inner alveolar membrane. EM taken on
6/4/91 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 19,800X. Bar = 0.25µm.
Published in J. Cell Sci. 101:449-461, 1992.