The largest accumulation of endosomal vesicles and early endosomes is
next to the buccal cavity area under the membranelles of the peniculi
and quadrulus. Cilia of the peniculi have a very close packing but
have only three rows of parasomal sacs, two rows on the two margins of
the light rows of cilia and a third row down the middle of the eight
ciliary rows separating the dorsal from the ventral peniculi. Early
endosomes have smooth membranes except for their clathrin coated
evaginations waiting to be pinched off (not seen here). In this
micrograph most membranes are uncoated. Two tangentially fractured
basal bodies showing the globular masses (arrows) seen in thin
sections in their shafts are embedded in strands of the meshwork of
the filamentous reticulum (fr). Only one cilium shows the
P-fracture face of the ciliary membrane (cm), all others appear
not to have been fractured. Rings of IMPs or transmembrane particles
are seen at ciliary bases (arrowheads). EM taken on 6/4/91 by
R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 19,800X. Bar = 0.25µm.