Cells actively undergoing endocytosis develop an extensive layer of
vesicles and cisternae composed for the most part of smooth
undecorated membrane. The uncoated cisternae are early endosomes
(ee) to which uncoated vesicles (prev) that first arise
as coated vesicles from the parasomal sacs fuse with the cisternae to
deposit their load of receptor-mediated cargo. Smaller clathrin-coated
vesicles (cov) bud from the early endosomes and these are
either recycled back to the plasma membrane or move deeper into the
cell as carrier vesicles (cav) after they lose their clathrin
coats. cop, coated pit; ves, vesicles. EM taken on
5/21/79 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 26,250X. Bar =