Cells exposed to horseradish peroxidase for 15 sec will take up this
enzyme into the parasomal sacs (ps) which will then be trapped
in the coated vesicles (cov) when these pinch off. Subsequent
incubation in the HRP substrate, hydrogen peroxide, will form a non
diffusable electron-opaque reaction product if diaminobenzidine is
also present. As seen here the cristae of mitochondria contain an
endogenous enzyme and substrate that labels the cristae with an
electron-opaque product even though HRP cannot enter the cristae. As
shown in the chapter on cytoplasmic organelles (Fig. 14) some
mitochondria have numerous undulating or helically shaped cristae. EM
taken on 5/29/86 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 12,000X. Bar =
0.5µm. Partly published in Protoplasma 189:1-8, 1995.