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Fig. 12: cytochalasin B treated cell with open cytoproct

In 0.3 mM cytochalasin B (CB) treated cells the cytoproct (cyp) remains open as this drug inhibits actin polymerization and consequently the retrieval of spent vacuole membrane by tubulation or vesiculation. In this case the cytoplasm, covered by an intact membrane, bulges out through the open cytoproct. Normal membrane retrieval had stopped and the network of actin, usually found around the spent vacuole membrane at the open cytoproct, was absent. (For CB study, see Allen and Fok, Eur. J. Cell Biol. 37:35-43, 1985). EM taken on 9/24/82 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 8,500X. Bar = 0.5µm. Published in Eur. J. Cell Biol. 37:35-43, 1985.
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