As shown above (Fig. 17) phagoacidosomes are heavily labeled for L1
antigen in 5-8 to 15-18 minute-old DVs. However, only some DVs at
15-18 min still had L1 label. Only occasionally did we see tubules
with label arising from the 15-18 min-old vacuole to support the idea
that DV-II membrane is retrieved during the transformation of
phagoacidosomes to phagolysosomes. The DV shown here was 15-18 min old
as it contained 0.3µm latex beads. There is a small amount of DV-II
specific L1 immunogold label in the tubules and in their bulbous ends.
The phagolysosome membrane itself is totally free of this label. EM
taken on 2/18/92 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 12,000X. Bar =