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Fig. 43: foci of acid phosphatase in secondary lysosomes docked at DV-II

Secondary lysosomes (ly) develop foci of acid phosphatase electron-opaque reaction product when cells are treated with Gomori’s medium and lead salts. Lysosomes transmit their hydrolases to the DV-III, the phagolysosome, when they fuse and convert the DV-II to a DV-III (see Fok, Muraoka and Allen, J. Protozool. 31:216-220, 1984). EM taken on 10/12/78 by J. Muraoka with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 20,000X. Bar = 0.2µm. Published in J. Protozool. 31:216-220, 1984.
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