At the same time that the acidosomes (ac) fuse with the
phagosome, the DV-I membrane, that originated from the discoidal
vesicles, is transformed into tubules that are removed from the
phagosome. By this process the DV-I is transformed from a phagosome
into a phagoacidosome (DV-II), a process of apparently “total”
membrane replacement. (For discussion see Allen et al., J. Cell Sci.
108:1263-1274, 1995). The mAb to antigen Q2 specifically labels the
tubules that are being removed from the DV-I. EM taken on 9/18/93 by
R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 12,000X. Bar = 0.5µm. Part published
in J. Cell Sci. 108:1263-1274, 1995.