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Fig. 30: ConA-labeled oral region including its development during division

A. ConA-FITC labeled P. multimicronucleatum shows the true shape of the buccal cavity, which is not quite as long as the clay model in Figure 2b and its anterior curves less abruptly. The cytopharynx (cp) is more fluorescent and curves more quickly over the side of the buccal cavity than the clay model suggests. The orientation of this image is similar to part lc of Figure 2b although the depth of focus superimposes both right and left sides on top of each other in this image so one cannot distinguish right from left sides in this side view. Bar = 20µm.

B. The new buccal cavity forms in association with the mature buccal cavity as it arises from a region of unorganized basal bodies called the anarchic field (see 1d in Figure 2b) that lies between the endoral membranelle and the vestibulum. Bar = 20µm.

C. Later in division the two oral regions move apart as the cell elongates in its mid section and the division furrow forms. Pictures a to c taken by M. Aihara. Bar = 20µm. Published in J. Protozool. 35:400-407, 1988.

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