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Fig. 25: QF-DE, transport of carrier vesicles along ribbons

Quick-freeze deep-etch image of rows of carrier vesicles (cav) lined up along the cytopharyngeal ribbons (cp mt). These vesicles arise from early endosomes as clathrin coated vesicles and are about 100nm in diameter. Vesicles lose their coats before binding with the dynein motors that link them to the microtubules. They tend to lie on the anterior side of the ribbons along with the discoidal vesicles (disc). Carrier vesicles eventually dock on acidosomes and fuse with these. Acidosomes are late endosomes. EM taken on 5/24/88 by C. Schroeder with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 12,000X. Bar = 0.5µm. Small part published in J. Cell Biol. 111:2553-2562, 1990.
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