Quick-freeze deep-etch image of the cytostomal cord. The cord is
composed of interwoven filaments that extend along the long axis of
the fiber and contain centrin. This cord arises from the infraciliary
lattice at the anterior suture and extends along the full length of
the left side of the cytopharynx where it curves around the posterior
end of the buccal cavity and then returns along the full length of the
right side of the cytopharynx (see Figure 26 in Pm cortex and cilia
section). This is true of the three species of paramecia that were
observed using centrin antibody: P. multimicronucleatum, P.
caudatum and P. tetraurelia (see Allen, Aihara and Fok, J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol. 45:202-209, 1998). Pac, P-face
of acidosome; cp mt, cytopharyngeal microtubular ribbon. EM
taken on 5/26/92 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 19,800X. Bar =
0.2µm. Part published in J. Eur. Microbiol. 45:202-209, 1998.