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Fig. 11: alveolar fingers contact the cytostomal cord

Another view of cross sections of the finger-like extensions of the alveoli (al) that bind to the cytostomal cord (cc). Alveoli store calcium (see Stelly et al., J. Cell Biol. 113:103-112, 1991) and calcium release causes the infraciliary lattice to contract. Presumably a controlled release of calcium from these fingers will result in the contraction of the cytostomal cord which is an extension of the infraciliary lattice. Such a contraction could either promote discoidal vesicle fusion with the cytopharyngeal membrane or initiate release of the nascent vacuole from the cytopharynx. EM taken on 4/4/74 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 12,750X. Bar = 0.5µm.
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