Higher magnification of the curved cytopharyngeal ribbons (cp
mt) as they pass over the cytostomal cord (cc). They carry
the discoidal vesicles to their fusion sites at the cytopharyngeal
membrane. Chemical fixation results in the loss of their tight
association with the anterior sides of the ribbons as can be seen in
quick frozen cells (as in Figure 4). Acidosomes (ac) seem to
dock with the nascent vacuole and leave the microtubular ribbon as
soon as they make contact with the vacuole membrane (arrow).
Sections of finger-like extensions of the alveoli (al) should
not be confused with carrier vesicles. ps, parasomal sacs. EM
taken on 3/25/81 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 12,250X. Bar
= 0.5µm.