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Fig. 7b: QF-DE of the continuation of the cytopharynx membrane from the plasma membrane

The E-fracture faces of the plasma membrane (Epm) and cytopharyngeal membranes(Ecp) are continuous but differ in appearance since the cytopharyngeal membrane is studded with IMPs while the plasma membrane has few IMPs. A portion of the plasma membrane is covered by the P-face of the outer alveolar sac membrane (Poam) which also has many IMPs. The alveolus does not cover the cytopharynx membrane. Four parasomal sacs (ps) along the cytopharyngeal edge of the quadrulus are exposed. Details of the attachment of the cytopharyngeal ribbons (cp mt) to the cytopharyngeal membrane are shown including part of five fractured ribbons and the two accessory microtubules (2 mts) lying just posterior to each cytopharyngeal ribbon that are also bound to the membrane. A fiber (arrow) actually links the ribbon to the membrane. (For details see Allen, J. Cell Biol. 63:904-922, 1974. EM taken on 5/18/88 by C. Schroeder with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 40,000X. Bar = 0.1µm.
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