Quick-freeze deep-etch rotary-shadowed replica of a portion of the
chemically-unfixed cytopharynx. The cytopharynx (cp) is
continuous with the plasma membrane (pm) and is covered by only
one membrane which is pleated over the ends of the cytopharyngeal
microtubular ribbons (cp mt). Numerous discoidal vesicles
(disc) are bound single file along the anterior side only
(arrow) of each ribbon. This is the site where discoidal
vesicles fuse with the cytopharyngeal membrane to form the digestive
vacuole. qu, quadrulus; dor pen, dorsal peniculus;
fr, filamentous reticulum; al, fractured alveolus
segment. EM taken on 5/18/88 by C. Schroeder with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg.
6,300X. Bar = 1µm. Part published in J. Cell Biol. 111:2553-2562,