Another view of the right side of the cytopharynx showing the groove
(arrow) and its associated microtubules running longitudinally
along the groove (for cross sections see Allen, J. Ultrastruct. Res.
63:64-78, 1980, Fig. 4) and bundles of postoral microtubules (po
mt) on its cytosolic side. This cell was fed latex beads and
treated with DMSO and then incubated in DAB so that discoidal vesicles
appear electron opaque. Some discoidal vesicles (disc) can be
found along the longitudinally oriented microtubules of the groove.
The nascent food vacuole has many acidosomes (ac) docked at its
surface even at the right side of the cytopharynx. EM taken on 9/14/82
by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 8,500X. Bar = 0.5µm.