A clay model of the space occupied by the buccal cavity, its
connection to the vestibulum (v) and the nascent food vacuole
(fv) arising from the cytopharynx (cr). Dots indicate
sites of basal body/cilium complexes of the somatic ciliature on the
vestibulum and the membranelles of the ventral peniculus (vp),
the dorsal peniculus (dp) and the quadrulus (q). In
addition the endoral membranelle (e) forms a single row along
the right side of the vestibulum/buccal cavity border. A field of
unorganized basal bodies, the anarchic field (af), lies next to
the endoral membranelle. An enlargement of the box labeled cr
is presented in Figure 28. fr, filamentous reticulum;
rl, groove in right lip of cytopharynx; rw, ribbed wall;
cy, cytostome-cytopharynx complex; vo, vestibular
opening. Published in J. Cell Biol. 63:904-922, 1974.