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Fig. 9: non etchable fibers in Golgi stack region

Another example of a dictyosome. The ER (er) has ribosomes (rib) on its surface that faces away from the Golgi Stack. COP-II coated vesicles are enmeshed in non-etchable strands that lie in the space between the ER and elements of the Golgi stack (Gc). Both coated (arrows) and uncoated (arrowheads) vesicles are present. Larger vesicles (ves) may be derived from COP-I coated vesicles that communicate between the stack and provide for retrograde traffic back to the ER. EM taken on 6/4/91 by R. Allen with Zeiss 10A TEM. Neg. 19,800X. Bar = 0.1µm. Published in J. Struct. Biol. 110:215-226, 1993.
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