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Fig. 26: immunofluorescent images of infraciliary lattices in three species of Paramecium

Fluorescent micrograph of centrin antibody labeling of the infraciliary lattice of different species of Paramecium. This plate was published as figures 5 to 8 in Allen, Aihara and Fok, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 45:202-209, 1998. Figures 5a and 6a show a side view and ventral view of P. multimicronucleatum. Figure 5b and 6b show the extension of the infraciliary lattice that encircles the cytopharynx as the “cytostomal cord”. This cord is an extension of the anterior suture cytoskeleton. Figures 7a-c are of P. caudatum and Figures 8a-c are of P. tetraurelia. All pictures are taken at the same magnification. arrowheads, cytoproct; arrows, cytostomal cords. Anti-centrin antibody was a gift from Dr. J. Salisbury. Micrographs taken by M. Aihara. Published in J. Euk. Microbiol.45:202-209, 1998.
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