Tangential sections through the cell’s surface deeper than Figure 1
show the pairs of basal bodies in cross section. The ends of
kinetodesmal fibers (kd) point anteriorly in the cell, the
postciliary ribbons (pc mt) arise from the posterior right side
of the posterior basal body of a pair and transverse ribbons (tr
mt) arise from the left side of both basal bodies of a pair. The
more anterior basal body of a pair is linked to the posterior basal
body by a striated fiber (arrows) and to the adjacent
kinetodesmal fiber by a short filamentous connection
(arrowhead). ps, parasomal sacs; il, infraciliary
lattice; sb, striated band; tt, trichocyst tip. EM taken
on 1/12/73 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A TEM. Neg. 14,900X. Bar =